When a study was done to determine how cities rank on infrastructure Denver was ranked as the 6th worst city in the United States! Shocking? Even more shocking is why. Denver is concerned about the power grid and energy.

As many Coloradans know, every month a swarm of thousands move to Colorado. Within the last decade nearly 100,000 people have moved to the Denver Metro area. Unfortunately this puts a burden on infrastructure. The 3 major thoroughfares, I-25, I-470 and I-70 are packed with commuters and those traveling to the mountain towns of Vail and Breckenridge. Energy is being pulled from the grid at record levels.

Although Denver’s economy is thriving because of the influx of people, this puts a strain on infrastructure. And this is not a problem that is solved overnight. It takes careful planning, city, county, and state approval, and a big bill that the taxpayers have to cover.

Colorado is known for more sunshine than any other state, more than Hawaii and even the “Sunshine State” of Florida. But, an influx of thousands of people in a short period of time is reeking havoc on the energy grid. Denver is ranked in the top 10 cities of population growth causing it to be the 6th worst city for infrastructure. How do we resolve this?

There are many facets and a comprehensive plan that must be implemented to address the problem; but, one thing is for sure, it opens the door to job growth in the energy sector.
If you are looking for a career in the energy sector, connect with us at Perseverance Staffing today.
(By the way, Atlanta, Washington D.C., and New York round out the list in the top 3 cities for infrastructure concerns.)